RKVY-RAFTAAR Agri Business Incubator (R-ABI)

R-ABl is a scheme funded by Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare (MoA & FW). It aims at strengthening the infrastructure in agriculture and allied areas in order to promote agripreneurship and agri business by providing financial support

RKVY-RAFTAAR Agri Business Incubator logo
What Does (R-ABI)Do

Since May 2018, as a part of a CSR initiative, Cisco Systems along with NASSCOM Foundation has established a Cisco thingQbator at IIT (BHU) Varanasi. This AI and IoT-based makerspace program help to accelerate innovation and entrepreneurship among the student community.

RKVY-RAFTAAR Agri Business Incubator image


Ankuran (Idea To Product Stage)

Students / Youth working on innovative ideas can apply for Agripreneurship Orientation Program for 2 months. Stipend of 10000 per month After training completion, selected start-ups will be provided grant-in-aid support (90% of the project cost, maximum up to Rs. 5 lakhs) to launch the product.

Prasfutan (Product To Market Stage)

Start-ups with Minimum Viable Product {MVP) can apply for the program. After successful completion of this 2 months local residency phase, selected start-ups will be provided grant-in-aid support (85% of the project cost, maximum up to Rs. 25 lakhs) to scale up the operations.

Provided Facilities

Makerspace Network

Makerspace Network

Cisco Sparkboard

Cisco Sparkboard

Sensors & Actuators Components

Sensors & Actuators Components

Webex Teams

Webex Teams
